My World in Data

Tales from a Data Science Student

Why Data? Why Now? : How Data Captured Me

For the last several years, I lived my life as a full-time student, single mom, and all around exhausted person. I had a singular focus that I hoped would later lead me to a fulfilling career: finish my B.S. in Biology, specializing in Microbiology and Infectious Diease, and head off to graduate school to get my PhD. I did everything a good future graduate student does. I worked as hard as possible to maintain a high GPA, went to class during the day, took care of my kids in the evening, and spent half the night working on homework and studying. I joined a lab at school to get the necessary experience to help me be a good graduate student candidate, and later, a good graduate student. I was living and breathing Microbiology and well on my way to acheiving my goal. How, then, did someone so dedicated to Biology become a data enthusist?